August 20, 2003

Texas populist Jim Hightower coming to Macalester

I got an e-mail from Ruminator saying that Texas radio talk-show host and author Jim Hightower  will be speaking at Macalester and promoting his book, "Thieves in High Places: They've Stolen Our Country--And Its Time to Take It Back" on Thursday, September 4, 7:30 PM at Weyerhauser Chapel. There is going to be admission sadly, $2.50 for students and $5 for others, but free if you buy his book! What a deal! Ruminator says:

Hightower offers hilarious and hard-hitting solutions for giving power back to grassroots America in his new book Thieves in High Places: They've Stolen Our Country and It's Time to Take It Back [Viking]. Our most popular populist takes on the Bushites, the Wobblycrats, and the corporate Kleptocrats, as well as tapping into thriving activist networks all over the country. Hightower gives us the real America that the rest of the world doesn't get to see in his uplifting tales of grassroots organizations retaking control of their communities.
Will Hightower try to vacuum up some of that St. Paul Wellstone love like Dr. Dean did? Hightower has a syndicated column in the Pulse every week and a monthly column in the Nation.

Posted by HongPong at August 20, 2003 08:50 PM
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