January 28, 2004

Kerry sweeping; roommate sticking with Dean

Some scattered thoughts to expand on tomorrow: Yes, the New Hampshire primary is finished and John Kerry continues to rock the voters. Howard Dean finished in a fairly strong second, which he needed to keep from evaporating. But the magic's off for Dean. I feel that he messed up a lot of things by labeling the DLC as Republicans, for example. I don't like them, but its still wasn't fit for him to say. The Iowa Perfect Storm led to the Iowa Perfect Roaring Screech which tsunamied all over the damn place. Iowans aren't the only ones who appreciate tact from those taking third.

Both Dean and Kerry look so tired, worn, nearly ill on television. Dean caught a little break tonight, as did Wesley Clark. Clark's win at the tiny midnight towns was a clue: independent conservative voters think he's all right, because that's who his image has been crafted for. I don't think his job is to win the nomination, but to become burnished and popular brass for Defense Secretary or VP. (let's not underestimate the Vice President's office these days: Cheney has his own National Security Council. Clark could have one too?)

Alison is satisfied with Dean because he captured an all right second place. She's still on the wagon. I have not been impressed with anything Dean has done all over January. He just got way too negative against Gep the Torpedo--and suddenly the magic was gone.

Kerry is the most likely to succeed against Bush, according to a majority of New Hampshire voters. That's not so bad, if the ticket can be rounded out with something southerners find compelling. Edwards might be the smash hit in South Carolina, and Clark has everything to lose there.

Yet Sharpton, Clark and Edwards all must fear the Steamroller of Joe-mentum sweeping through the country this very night.

Here's one interesting thing. Cheney's polled unfavorability ratings have stayed about the same for quite a while. But his favorability has plunged as he's seen as Halliburton's inside man, just to begin with. Cheney may yet be a liability, especially since he led the way claiming the vanished illegal weapons--even inspector David Kay now admits they never were.

The Daily Show was excellent tonight as Jon Stewart deployed the fabulous clip today of Bush stumbling over the talk of "Gathering Threats." The Daily Show is making golden material these days. And then a creepy interview with Richard Perle?! Very A-list, all the way.

More later...

Posted by HongPong at January 28, 2004 01:41 AM
Listed under Campaign 2004 .