Andy sent me this link to the MNDoT online traffic report right now. The peak is coming down now, fortunately, but the West metro is really terrible. This afternoon I saw the Hiawatha project office, and it's coming along nicely. They will soon be officially announcing that the line partially opens in late June, as the plan stands so far.
Also the Northstar commuter rail line is coming together, as well, I think along Highway 10, which as you can see is badly jammed, even so far from the core of the metro, at 6 PM. Interesting stuff. Could two rail lines make a dramatic impact?
I have two term papers to write, so I probably won't be able to make posts for a while, perhaps until Tuesday. Yes that sucks, as there are exciting things going on with Bush's testimony, Iraq, Pakistan, etc. etc. I heard about Abu Ghraib prison torture and that's just incredible. I think I'll have to watch the 60 Minutes II special, which should be tonight. Also a large corp is preventing their TV affiliates from broadcasting the Nightline tribute to fallen soldiers. What the hell...
As ongoing sources I still recommend War In Context, Billmon, Talking Points Memo, Juan Cole, the Agonist.
Posted by HongPong at April 29, 2004 06:42 PM