October 01, 2004

Never felt better

Ok, I'm about to crash now, but I just had to post something about how delightfully the debate went tonight for Kerry.

I could not believe how far Bush was off his game. Kerry was collected, interesting, cool and persuasive. Admittedly, I watched it in an auditorium of boistrous liberals at Macalester in the Campus Center, so maybe we were extra cynical. But we had the C-SPAN split screen, so we were treated to all the nasty scowling faces Bush made, quite frequently, after Kerry attacked him. It provoked a lot of laughing. Actually, Bush provoked a lot of laughing many times.

Kudos to Mr Kerry. He could have had a little more sauce on it tonight, sometimes was repetitive, but the tone was basically what the situation called for, and he totally knocked Bush off-message.

I couldn't believe it when Bush completely bobbled his introduction. I mean, how hard is it to remember an opening spiel?

I think we definitely saw Kerry get repositioned as a strong and logical guy here. For that, I think we can all sleep quite a bit more soundly.

And get ready for Cheney-Edwards on Tuesday!!!!

Posted by HongPong at October 1, 2004 02:14 AM
Listed under Campaign 2004 , Iraq .