August 04, 2005

Apathy gives way to old connections: Simcity, Nate Foote, Bobby Hartzell

When things seem like they are drifting beyond control, time and again I've gone back to SimCity, and the last couple days has been no exception. I think I've worked it out of my system now, while expanding the good ol' metro area of Eschatology up to 650,000 Sims.

Two of the gool ol boys got in touch with me yesterday, Bobby Hartzell and the long-lost Nashville Rambler Nate Foote. They're both doing all right. Bobby is taking classes at Northland College in Ashland, while Nate manages a Ben & Jerry's down in Nashville. Nate wants to come up to the twin cities soon, as well he should.

In other news... well King Fahd died, as we all know. That wasn't a huge surprise and succession wasn't a problem, but it will be soon enough. Things between the Sudairis and the Faisals will probably go horribly wrong, as the rest of Saudi Arabia wishes they had a better slice of the oil revenue.

Iraq is a twisted disaster, shocking. The deadline for the constitution drafting is supposed to be August 15, but we'll see how well that goes.

So for me, the SimCity's pretty much done, and I've got to get back on developing the new It really is getting pretty close, but now I've got to focus on finishing it. In turn, the new website will be very important for finding a job as a web designer.

I'll have more news stuff later, today or tomorrow. But now I've got to go work out at the Y and perhaps shoot pool with Bobby and Arthur like the old days.

Posted by HongPong at August 4, 2005 01:19 PM
Listed under Iraq , Usual Nonsense .