November 21, 2005

Why did the case crack now?

Josh Marshall asks the million dollar question:

This is one of those media questions for which there is no real way to provide a concrete answer. But it is at least worth asking: How many of the stories coming out now under the very broad heading of botched or manipulated intelligence could have been reported and written at more or less any time over the last two years? I suspect the answer is, the great majority of them.

They're getting written now because the president's poor poll numbers make him a readier target.

I know I'm not saying anything most of you don't know. And better late than never, of course. But all working reporters and editors should consider what that says about the profession.

Damn media. More tomorrow.

Posted by HongPong at November 21, 2005 11:55 PM
Listed under Iraq , Media , Neo-Cons .