April 21, 2006

Meanwhile, in the real war on Terror/Drugs

Afghan poppy growers want protection from Cdn forces
Richard Foot, CanWest News Service
Published: Tuesday, April 18, 2006

afghan poppiesKANDAHAR, Afghanistan -- A large group of Afghan poppy farmers has handed Canadian soldiers an unusual offer, pledging not to grow the illicit flowers next year if they're allowed to harvest their poppy crop this year with no interference from Afghan officials intent on smashing the country's opium trade.
More than 15 village elders, representing hundreds of local farmers, recently made the plea to soldiers at Canada's remote firebase near the town of Gombad, in the rugged countryside north of Kandahar.
"They're afraid of the government plowing up their fields," said Maj. Kirk Gallinger, who commands a company of Edmonton-based troops trying to fight the Taliban and bring security to the district around Gombad.
"They came and asked us to support them, and to pass on a request to the (Afghan) government not to eradicate their crops this year. In return, they'll pledge not to grow any poppies next year."


Posted by HongPong at April 21, 2006 01:39 PM
Listed under Afghanistan , Security .