A very busy and weird first week of the summer. On the up side, I got a very well-paying job doing web development programming & such with the Macalester development office and a studio apartment back on Grand Avenue. The Mac job is probably only short-term but I'll learn ASP.NET, the industry standard of these things.
As one might expect, I have some mixed feelings about going back to St Paul. Minneapolis is a very cool city that's blowing up pretty big right now, but it is also expensive, and the vibe is not quite right for me. Most of my homies are back in St. Paul and it's a lot cheaper too.
So in some ways it is a step forwards but spatially it looks like a step back. (I wouldn't be qualified for the job without recently learned skills though, skills I learned in the last year).
Also I lined up some ducks in a row as contributors for the new site. We're going to have three occasional visual artist contributions, plus Studio 302 - some music from upstairs, and the Phillips Report, a page set aside for my friends living in a house down there.
A lot of folks are interested in setting up some cool shit, but this week has turned out to be about pulling together factors of a "real life" that we've heard rumors about. Fortunately it looks like I will be out on the stoop, making pretty good money and paying down my credit cards and student loans real soon.
St Paul is a good place, although it bothers some people. I saw Prairie Home Companion, which begins and ends in Mickey's Diner. All in all, not a bad film, but one thing bothered me theologically: the Angel of Death can enter the diner.
But perhaps more importantly, there you can see it coming.
Congratulations on a great web site. I am a new computer user and finding you was like coming home. Continued success.
Posted by: Hanz Jocker at July 27, 2006 05:36 AM