It’s hard to imagine that a US-centric global economy wouldn’t be at risk in the aftermath of a bursting of the US housing bubble. Lacking in internal support from private consumption, the non-US world remains heavily reliant on selling exports to we
Today, America’s housing bubble is finally bursting. Is the die cast for another bubble-induced downturn in the US and global economy? All asset bubbles are alike.
In desperation... to show that their resolve is solid and military strength robust, big nations having a bad time strike out to prove a point. ...Bush may strike Iran not only because of a military rationale that his advisors assemble but because he wants
"information classified in cases [brought forth by FBI translator Sibel Edmonds] serves to protect the executive branch against embarrassing revelations and full accountability"
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Delibar is a simple del.icio.us desktop client for macosx. Delibar collects all your bookmarks in the system bar, so you can access them comfortably.
handy tips here for advanced del.icio.us stuff
Looks solid, and open source!