Recommended! A Seminal Event in Middle Eastern History:A Joint U.S.-British Regime-Change Operation in 1953 that Holds Lessons for Today: New Documents Shed Further Light on Secret U.S. Policy
Whitewash piece seeks to dismiss questions about FBI most wanted page but doesn't address why no 9/11 charge after 5 years. Why no interest?
Surprise! Take w Grain-of-salt: Outside the debate of magic bullets, multiple shooters and grassy knoll theories - an astounding deposition of a deliberately planned criminal conspiracy straight from the horse's mouth
2003 story but interesting: WMD attack "causes our population to question our own Constitution and to begin to militarize our country in order to avoid a repeat of another mass, casualty-producing event. Which in fact, then begins to unravel the fabric of
Very old story, maybe not true: Israel is reportedly developing a biological weapon that would harm Arabs while leaving Jews unaffected. The report says that scientists are trying to identify distinctive genes carried by Arabs to create a genetically modi
I do not agree with this piece but it raises interesting points
This is an example of the internal paranoia of the "9-11 truth movement". other than that I have no idea what the hell is going on.
White House propaganda, yum!
interesting legal background on Kuwait-Iraq oil dispute that set off Saddam's invasion
official Israeli account of the water importance of Golan Heights territory
On the NSA warrantless wiretapping
between "aggression" and "defense"
one person's terrorist is another's freedom fighter
Israel is choosing to endanger its citizens and soldiers, to ruin once again the lives of many civilians in Lebanon, in order to prove its strength and to keep "that [shoah]" from happening again. I think it's not only a mistake, it's a suicidal path.
Maps of Palestine, Iraq and Turkey showing vital resources and pollution effects from the United Nations
With Israel now on the warpath to destroy Hezbollah, the administration needs to look for solutions. Roundup of new neo-con regime fantasies in Middle East
Scary plan to set off ethnic cleansing and re-engineer Mideast from neocon hawk Ralph Peters: "Babylon has fallen more than once."
Interesting - China's top-down power structure
Defense companies gave candidates and leadership PACs more than $3.5 million in the first six months of 2004. How the $$$ goes around and around...
info on defense contractors, campaign contributors, amazing site all around for info on the machines of power
Wayne Madsen, NSA veteran / conspiracy theorist / DC reporter is a category of his own. Always interesting reading, always with a grain of salt!
A debunking of the popular 9-11 conspiracy video "Loose Change"
Prof. Juan Cole is the indispensable guide to Iraq & middle eastern news and analysis. Check here first.
Yep this is pretty much insane. Richard Perle and the neo-cons are gonna screw it up again!
why military occupations inspire religious militancy and suicide tactics
This week's fighting in Diwaniyah between rebels and Iraqi forces highlights the growing power of militias in the country.
Australian evidence that WMD questions in Iraq covered up by government. More cracks in the story.
Lebanon struggles under blockade
Effects of war destablize Lebanese economy
An Iraqi ground-forces command will be activated next month to allow it to take charge of 10 Iraqi army divisions from U.S.-led coalition forces.
George W. Bush is the first Information Age president. They are classifying records, hiding history etc
The comprehensive chronological list of all the spoofed intelligence and disinfo that generated the war in Iraq
The banned PKK is accused of bombings throughout Turkey, prompting Turkey and Iran to shell camps on Iraq's border. Kurd-Iran-Turkey violence escalates after Lebanon - what's going to happen!?!?
Israeli bombing of oil refinery contaminates Mediterranean, cripples fishing, colossal spill
Sweet collection of blogs on Lebanon, the independent view
More on the Kurd-Iraq-Iran-Turkey situation from some "young Turks"
The Turkish military continued airstrikes against and shelling terrorist Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) targets in northern Iraq recently, news agencies reported. Escalation or skirmish??
A big deal - are the Kurds going to break off from all adjacent countries?
Librarian punished for speaking out on Iraq war & rejecting recruiter materials in library
Top Notch international news site, check it all the time!
Controversy over Mexican election halts Fox farewell speech
t-shirts are cool
Stingray kills "crocodile hunter." Crikey!
all the news all the time
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