As the networked information revolution reaches a threshold for repression, Becky Hogge finds its future has already been written, and the battle lines are clear.
good stuff: virtually all serious people in the senior military, intelligence community and law enforcement, not only in the United States but throughout Europe, do not believe in President Bush's "war on terror" or believe that it is or can be effective
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The good news, for drug fiends, is that Afghanistan has just harvested its biggest opium crop ever, up a whopping 59% from last year and big enough to cover 130% of the entire world market. The street price for illegal heroin, 92% from Afghanistan, should
I'm talkin' 'bout the Kurds: It's "a state within a state," and its fighters regularly cross over into a neighboring country to carry out terrorist attacks. Kurdish Workers Party (PKK) and its more militant offshoots, such as the Kurdish Liberation Hawks,
this totalitarian creed in what he calls "red-state fascism," fast becoming the dominant ideology of the neoconized GOP. the "Islamo-fascist" meme is a classic example of projection- superimposing one's own motives and psychology on someone else.
The precision, speed and reliability of IBM's machines, especially related to the censuses of the German population and racial biology by Nazis, were praised. IBM's technical assistance facilitated the tasks of Nazis in crimes against humanity, acts also
IBM and the Holocaust is the stunning story of IBM's strategic alliance with Nazi Germany beginning in 1933, continuing well into World War II. As the Third Reich embarked upon its plan of conquest and genocide, IBM and subsidiaries helped create enabling
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The illness produces a hollowing out of the economy, where increasingly things must be financialized in order for them to be worth doing. Real economic activity declines, the manufacturing sector declines, rent-seeking becomes the norm and repeated asset
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