Excellent story: Who would take my word over a priest's? So I just lay there for the rest of the night, wide awake, my heart pounding, thinking to myself that I'd like nothing better than to kill this son of a bitch.
Abramoff Mar 2002: the President was very sad to have to come out negatively regarding Israel, but that they needed to mollify the Arabs for the upcoming war on Iraq. That did not seem to work anyway. Bush seems to love Sharon and Israel, and thinks Arabf
There's even video of Shimkus letting Foley talk to the pages AFTER the GOP knew Foley had page-issues. He is the Republican member of Congress who runs the Page Board, group in charge of pages. On ABC News, GOP House staff warned the page class of 2001-2
A Republican staff member warned congressional pages five years ago to watch out for Congressman Mark Foley, according to a former page. Matthew Loraditch, a page in the 2001-2002 class, told ABC News he and other pages were warned about Foley by a superv
The Weakest Job Growth of the Last 40 Years, Stagnant Wages, Low National Savings, Household debt, Fiscal Irresponsibility, The international trade deficit. Theses are not mere blips on the economic horizon; they are problems of large proportions. These
the leaders of the House Republican caucus have known for almost a year that a member of their caucus was having cybersex with an underage congressional page. And apparently they did nothing about it. I think this story is about to get a lot bigger.
Members of Sept. 11 commission said Sunday they were alarmed they were told nothing about a July 10 2001 White House meeting at which George J. Tenet, then CIA director, warned Condoleezza Rice about an imminent attack by Al Qaeda and failed to persuade h
Examination of the Ohio Supreme Court by The New York Times found that its justices routinely sat on cases after receiving campaign contributions from the parties involved or from groups that filed supporting briefs. On average, they voted in favor of con
BRITISH troops battling the Taliban are to withdraw from one of the most dangerous areas of Afghanistan after agreeing a secret deal with the local people. Over the past two months British soldiers have come under sustained attack defending a remote mud-w
Soft tissue that had seemingly resisted fossilization still existed inside the bone. This tissue, including blood vessels, bone cells, and perhaps even blood cells, was so well preserved that it was still stretchy and flexible. A scanning electron microsc
If true, it is shocking that the administration failed to heed such an overwhelming alert from the two officials in the best position to know. Many, many questions need to be asked and answered about this revelation - questions that the 9/11 Commission wo
Eisenhower's Cold War policy institutionalized the psychological weapons of modern mass warfare and secretly deployed them at home and on a global scale. Eisenhower's oft-quoted warning against a military-industrial complex, given at the end of his term,
Why wasn't the 9/11 Commission told about a July 10, 2001, meeting in which Condoleezza Rice was warned, in no uncertain terms, that a terrorist attack on the U.S. was near at hand? Now she disputes the account in the Woodward book. If it's accurate, will
We knew that Iran Contra arms dealer and info peddler Manucher Ghorbanifar met with Pentagon officials and with Curt Weldon in his quest to get back on the U.S. payroll as an intel asset after 9/11. We did not know that Dick Cheney was part of the plot. T
George Washington in the days after Britain's 1776 invasion of New York City. Washington had issued orders to his army that in dealing with captives they were not to follow the British example of prisoner abuse: "Treat them with humanity, and let them hav
NSA internal papers titles listed, new classics! Extraterrestrial Intelligence, Key to the Extraterrestrial Messages, Fabrication of Traffic--It Can and Did Happen, Dining at NSA, Attack on a SlGlNT Collector the USS Liberty, The Fall of the Shah: A Chaot
NSA offers really funny stuff! numerous requests received by NSA on the subject of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO). In 1980, NSA was involved in Civil Action No. 80-1562, "Citizens Against Unidentified Flying Objects Secrecy v. National Security Agency"
In this declassified secret NSA memo, the example of UFOs as a kind of radically strange data that people have trouble parsing - people enter into shock when confronted with strange data. Very very interesting. some sections blacked out!